
Father Christmas - The real deal

For all of you who think that there is no such thing as a Father Christmas, here is the proof. He does exist, roaming freely in the wild land of Finland, at least until the season is about to start. So watch the videos, but be warned: after you've seen this, you'll never be able to look at a "Santa" the way you used to. Another warning: The second clip is not for the faint of heart. Happy holidays to all of you!

Featuring: another unpaid advertisement. This time: Ikea

And just because it is funny.

Ask a Ninja

The internet is a series of tubes, you know?

Imagining the Tenth Dimension - A Book by Rob Bryanton

Imagining the Tenth Dimension - A Book by Rob Bryanton . After the jump, click on the turning numbers to the right and watch the movie.

"Sunday Bloody Sunday" by George Bush

Rock song originally performed by U2 remixed Dubya-style. It first appeared as the lead track for U2's 1983 album War.